A Toast!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Nothing new, until now.. OBVIOUSLY

What? What's new??

Well, I was talking about the blog, actually. I did some housecleaning, and gonna fix the links sections a little nicer and add more. A bunch more, and put into groups that fit. It will be nice. Really.

But I have lots to say, as well. I just haven't been in a frame of mind to write. One topic has me so damned frustrated I can barely talk about it as I get stammering from anger, stuttering from confusion and tight-lipped from plain-old good upbringing. But once I do start on this, I suggest Momma Inch not read it directly, and maybe have my father translate what I mean.

Gah, I'm getting hot under the collar from just typing these few paragraphs. Maye I should just wait until tommorow, that way I can wake up, drink a Red Bull with all my morning medication, a cup of coffee to go along with my Flinstone's vitamin and then start weening off the caffiene so I can have a Pepsi or two with lunch.


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