A Toast!

Monday, August 6, 2007

The Bike-B-Q! Man, let's do it again!

Well, it came and went.. And too damn fast!

(Links below to pictures)

Chainsaw and GirlGeek were sure to meet us bright and early Saturday morning, arriving with some really good potato salad which absolutely ensured this day was going to be a great one! Mrs. Inch was busy making me run late (just kidding- I was just doing final details for the cookout) so the four of us left the house a little after 9:30 and high-tailed to our ride staging area, the ChesDel Restaurant.

I admit to being a little misty-eyed when I saw so many bikes gathered for my ride. I didn’t want to just invite people along for the ride for the sake of having a large group and originally figured maybe 5 or 6 bikes. I was way wrong! I’m guestimating that there were 20 bikes, and would have been 3 more had we waited 5 minutes (Sorry Matt!) I was excited to see my Mom (Now known as Momma Inch in certain circles!) and Dad come to see us off, and they brought my 2 year-old niece Regan, who gave me a great kiss and hug, but was a little unsure of all the loud motorcycles. The send-off was also joined by Skip, one of the Christian Bikers who stopped by the hospital quite frequently to pray for me with my family and depending if I was cognizant, me. He was too busy to ride, but stopped by to say a short prayer to bring us safety and joy, and then I mumbled a few words to express my thanks to everyone. After the ladies made their last-minute pit stops, we were off!

The ride was short by most standards but inspiring. It wasn’t too hot during the first leg to Sambo’s in Leipsic, where we stopped for hydration and conversation. A few had to bail, but it’s understandable as life beckons. We got back on the sleds and went to a somewhat secluded boat ramp/fishing area where Chainsaw wanted to take a memorable picture of Lysa and I with the new bike on a very memorable day. As the heat increased, standing still in the sun was not an option. We moved quickly to the Augustine Inn for a final drenching before the BBQ. I looked for the infamous Merry-Go-Round, but the growth of brush and weeds was too thick for me to venture very far so that myth continues. Lysa was getting tired since this was her first ‘long’ trip on a bike in some time so we left a few minutes before everyone else so she could get changed and refreshed for the Eatin’ n Drinkin’ segment of the day.

Lysa’s mother Debbie came over early to help get last second prep ready, and after she finally got Kayla and her friend Carolyn awake, a marvelous job they did! Heck, even most of the beer was cold! Even though I was host, Chainsaw was just as important as he toiled not only as ride captain, but came over and barbequed some awesome burgers, chicken and dogs. I even managed to steal a few ideas that might get incorporated into my own style. We had plenty of food, desserts and drinks, so much I was thinking of how to stash chips and cookies in people’s saddle bags. Speaking of drinks, I had to toast the event with Chainsaw and GirlGeek. Those two along with Wolfman and Susan Sturgis are now family.

Everyone was having fun, and it was great to see people that didn't know each other bonding and enjoying life. We even caught my Dad doing some sort of dance.. or something..

We gained more people throughout the afternoon and evening, and no one was allowed to leave without a full belly, and certainly not before signing the wall. I was going to paint the wall leading to the porch entrance, but decided to wait and have everyone grab a marker and sign their names. I am not sure what to do now, as I will kinda feel guilty to paint over it.

All in all, it was a wonderful day. Nothing exceptional, except for the people involved. No major stories to tell, but many memories to keep.

Ok.. Maybe one story. Wolfman couldn’t make the ride because of his job, but thankfully came to the house right after his shift. When he knocked on the door, Mom Debbie answered the door asking for Inch. Mom Debbie is not into the computer world very much, and even less so into the internet- so she really had no idea of what this man asking for Inch meant. Someone overheard and yelled to let him in. Later, Debbie confessed to not knowing what the man asking for ‘Pick Stick’ wanted.

LMAO! Pick Stick! Ok, I guess you gotta know mom Debbie to understand, so I guess I was right when I said no major stories.

An apology here for the poor writing of this post and the descriptions to a simply glorious day. I had a shitty day but felt it was better to get something up sooner than later.

To close this extremely short version of a day which is one of my greatest days ever, I’d like reflect on what Momma Inch put on ‘the wall’. “You’re always in our hearts, but now we’re always in your house!” All those that participated in the ‘Bike-B-Que’ will always be in my heart. I thank everyone for allowing me to honor them and give back a day of fun and friendship for all that you have done for me and my family.

Anyone for a Bike-B-Que ‘08’?

Click to see pics hosted at Chainsaw's site

Click to see Lysa's Photoshow setup of pics. Chainsaw, notice the border..


a most peculiar nature said...

A great time was had by all ! Dang, it sure was hot though. When I got home I basically passed out. Getting old, I guess.

I'll have to confess that I'm with Momma Inch on the "pick stick" thing. Guess I'll have to ask Chainsaw.

Great ride, great food, but most of all great people. I am proud and grateful to know you all.


Chainsaw said...

Yeah, I noticed the photoshow's border right off the bat.

I dunno nuthin' 'bout no "Pick Stick", or maybe I need some prodding on that one - I'm drawing a blank.

To us your roadname has become "AngryInch" or "Inch" for short, and sometimes you're referred to as "InchMan."

Yepper a good ride, but I can't wait to roll with ya'll up to Pequea Pinnacle overlook.
It'll blow you away.

Anonymous said...

Sorry so late to reply to this!! Looked like the BBQ was rockin and all were having a time of their life.Smiles!!
Mike looked great too, of course I got the idea of who he was by watching the slide shows you sent me.You and
Chainsaw lookin like you had a great time too, smiles. Wish'n I was there to celebrate with you all, just know that
I was there is spirit, ok!! All my best to Mike and to his family and of course to you Shirley and Chainsaw.
Thanks to all of you, for sharing this special day with me!!! Smiles!!!

Garry Van Kirk,
Bikers Accident Survivor Forum, www.bacsuv.com

Angry Inch said...

Yes, it was a great time, so much that I was depressed a couple days after because I was so high. High on LIFE that is.

Ok, so a few shots didn't hurt!

Thanks G!