A Toast!

Sunday, July 1, 2007


I sent this out via email and posted it at various forums as well. I hope not to be redundant, but careful to ensure I reach everyone that it should. It speaks for itself.


-After the accident.
-After some inconsiderate person chose to not give full attention to the road.
-After scaring my wife, family, loved-ones and friends.
-After being either in a medically-induced coma or as close as could be for a 3 week period.
-After talking to numerous people over that 3 week period with no recollection.
-After experiencing a constant nightmare during those 3 weeks.
-After being visited by death twice.
-After having Last Rights read twice.
-After waking up after 3 weeks, to have my wife right there.
-After falling on my face the first time I tried to walk.
-After realizing I could have died.
-After realizing I could still die.
-After dreaming of going home, but somehow the home in my dream wasn’t mine.
-After yelling out in frustration at my family and friends.
-After removing all the hoses and wires then search for a doctor while in the coma, then needing 4 nurses to wrestle me into bed.
-After the Code Blue because a blood clot nearly suffocated me, which prompted the tube removal and wresting match.
-After being happy to hear my release date, then find I had a procedure on my liver that day instead.
-After being forgiven by my very understanding family and friends for yelling at them.
-After all the prayers, thoughts, and well wishes from so many.
-After apologizing to God for remembering him only now.
-After the joy of leaving the hospital, and the happiness my heart felt walking into my home surrounded by family.
-After learning the fluid in my chest had become infected.
-After having physically painful flashbacks of the nightmares I had.
-After the agony of rehab.
-After the pain.
-After the self-pity.
-After the anger.
-After the worry.
-After the tears.
-After getting the drainage tube removed.
-After being able to do basic activities by myself.
-After the triumph of passing all the physical exams.
-After feeling healthier, and generally feeling well.
-After realizing there are many who love me, and many I love.
-After making new friends, and making old friends better.

After all of that, and paperwork, and pills, and exercise and more and more and more, finally, I return to work on Monday! Yea! It took almost 5 months, and while I am honestly not 100% healthy, I think I can officially say I'M BACK!

Thanks to everyone for everything. This has been a tough period for me and without your love and encouragement I would never have come so far with such positive results. My mind is constantly racing as it keeps all of you in my thoughts.

I’m not sure what else to say, but all of my love to all of you, and again..




Anonymous said...


May all you ask for, come your way brother. We are all in support of you Mike. If there is anything we can do, yell out, and we'll be here for ya!!

Garry Van Kirk
Bikers Accident Survivor Forum

Angry Inch said...

Thanks so much. I would have never come this far this fast without the loving generousity of so many.

Lysa Rose said...

I lurve you!